You wake up in the morning and you are sleepy and you don't want to do anything, I'm on your side and I'll tell you some ideas that might be useful for you (you can lie in bed and don't think about what you must do):
Sleepy Woman |
1. Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today: leave it for the day after tomorrow someone will do the work for you;
2. Don't do today what tomorrow maybe you don't have to;
3. It's your first time when you do that thing and you don't want to do something wrong;
4. You didn't sleep the night before;
5. You are in holiday: you have a lot of time to do that thing....;
6. Why you must start in the morning?
If you think at these, you will stay in bed for a while.....;
Good luck,
Yesterday (MONDAY) I had a nice day?!
I will learn to sing at GUITAR (I hope so).
"Dad, have you spoken to the guitar teacher?"
"YES, you are going on MONDAY"
"What else did he say?"
"He will see if you have rhythm and ear for music!"
"GOSH!!! I don't have nothing like that!"
I am happy to tell you that I have RHYTHM (=R.) and also EAR FOR MUSIC (=E.F.M.)!!!
MONDAY, I woke up and "Today, I have guitar...I hope I have R. and E.F.M.!!"
I went there with the guitar and when he played he said: "Made in China although it is MADE IN ROMANIA!". Isn't it funny?
Now, I laugh when I think about what he says!!!
Have a nice holiday,
Last time I published a post "10 REASONS TO BE SAD"; now I also have 10 reasons to be happy. So, if you are sad.. don't be sad and believe that if you have 2, 4, 6, ... reasons to be sad you are happy (not always):
1). two reasons to be sad makes you feel happy (why? you don't know maths? from minus plus minus results something positive! ) (this isn't true );
2). you can chose from more reasons to what you can think about;
3). when you are sad you can view my blog;
4). you can ask one of your parents to do or buy something for you;
Ok. Look at my reasons now:
1. I have a cat;
2. I have sweets;
3. I have a blog;
4. I don't have a headache;
5. I went to a concert;
6. I have a new magazine;
7. I am listening o music;
8. I think about _______;
9. The holiday is coming;
10. I don't have any reasons to be sad!
All the best,
I am sad because:
1. One of my friends have a concert;
2. I can't go to his concert;
3. He promised me that he would give me 4 tickets, but he didn't;
4. Now there are not tickets anymore;
5. I send a massage to him "I hate you!"
6. I don't hate him;
7. I can't tell him "I'm sorry !" because I don't;
8. I promised to my friends that I give them tickets;
9. I have a headache;
10. I'm going to have a 2, 3 or 4 at school;
I have a reason to be happy : I don't have more reasons to be sad!!! : D
Be happy,